Proverbs 3:5/6 - Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. God knows what is best for us. He knows what we need and want even more than we do. We must trust Him completely in every choice we make. This does not mean to omit careful thinking or using our God given ability to reason, but we must not trust our own ideas to the exclusion of all others. The scripture goes on to say - "do not be wise in your own eyes" - which means we should always be ready and willing to be corrected by God's Word and wise Godly counsellors. Bring your decisions to God in prayer, then follow God's leading, using the Bible as your guide. The key issue to receiving God's guidance is acknowledging Him in all our ways. This means turning every area of our lives over to Him. We must make Him a vital part of everything we do, then He will guide us because we are working to accomplish His purpose. What are your values and priorities? What is important to you? Have you acknowledged God in all areas of your life? Are there areas where you have tried to restrict or ignore His influence? If you have areas wher you are lacking God's peace, or are experiencing stress or anxiety, now would be a good time to pray, and turn these things over to Him. Trust in Him with all your heart, and acknowledge Him in all your ways...