The Godly Gazette

Sin or Win

Crossroads Sin or win which path to choose,
the crossroads come to view.
The path with least resistance,
most likely will be you.

The corners come and gone for me,
I'm on the wrong path well.
I took to sin thought I could win,
but plummets straight to hell.

You will know when you are there,
God will give a sign.
The devils wicked trechery,
will make it hard to find.

Just one small glimmer down one road,
You'll know which way is right.
But power money greed and lust,
will blind you in the night.

The devil is a nasty foe, he'll cheat & trick & lie,
He wants your everlasting soul, he'll blind you till you die.

It takes a strong and healthy heart, filled with caring love and trust.
To make it through the devils sins, GOD'S LOVE is a MUST.

Respect and love I lost it all, because I chose the path of sin.
I did not realize at that, but evil does NOT win.

Halleluhea PRAISE the LORD, for I can still be saved.
I'm walking back to find the road, that is proper paved.

I'm asking for forgiveness,
for God to clean my soul.
Forgive my sins and give me back,
the things that make me WHOLE.

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