The Godly Gazette

The Power of Prayer

Power of Prayer Talking with God
and hearing His voice,
Is the Power of Prayer
in which we rejoice.

If we pray in His will
God say's in His Word,
We can trust and believe
our prayers will be heard.

We can have what we ask
and receive from above,
If we have not a doubt
and we pray out of love.

God's answer to prayer
comes in His time and will,
Sometimes we must wait
being patient and still.

At times God say's no - and our faith He will test,
We may think it's wrong
but God knows what's best.

God's timing is perfect - though we don't understand,
His answer may come
way beyond our life span.

We can hinder our prayers - for increase and wealth,
If our motives are only
to pleasure ourself.

When we pray out of love - with right motives to give,
To the poor and the needy
a blessed life we will live.

In the name of Jesus - is how we should pray,
And without ever ceasing
throughout every day.

Don't ever quit praying - or slow down your pace,
And be ever aware of
God's unfailing grace.

With all of our heart - in the Lord we must trust,
He hears and He answers
for He's faithful and just.

The Power of Prayer - is beyond human sight,
Bringing Glory to God
is His Great Delight.

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