The Godly Gazette

Opposing Views

Church in Woods
When it comes to Church and Science,
They have opposing views -
If we ask of our creation,
We get conflicting news...

... The Church says God created man,
........................ But Science DIS-AGREE'S -
........... they say that we've evolved from apes
............. and that our planet floats in space
............. they don't believe in spirits - souls
.............. the Father - Son - or Holy Ghost

... Tho' Mother Nature could explain,
........................ About the birds and BEE'S -

All Religions celebrate,
The coming of our King -
But Science can not see the light,
Or hear the Angels sing...

Science says that physics, Controls the Human RACE -
the church agrees with some of this
they say that God's a physicist
a soul so strong and powerful
the universe is just a show
But Science surely can't explain, The laws of outer SPACE -

Science likes to celebrate,
evolution of mankind -
They explore the universe,
Not knowing what they'll find...

When asked if there's a Heaven, What happens when we DIE -
science say's that we decay
and that our bodies rot away
no evidence as it may seem
the after-life is just a dream
The Church say's that our spirit lives, In Heaven BY & BY -

Tho' I am a man of Science,
And should look the other way -
I keep my faith in God above,
As I kneel here and pray...

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