The Godly Gazette

The Demon of Lust

Demon of Lust The demon of lust,
Is ruthless and bold -
It captures our minds,
With a powerful hold.

Billboards and radio,
Magazines and T.V. -
Lead us all to believe,
It's the way it should be.

The devil misleads us,
To think it's O.K. -
To have sex before marraige,
Be bisexual or gay.

Permiscious sex is,
The wrong way to go -
We must stand and fight,
This impure evil foe.

The world is filled with, This demon of lust -
But God say's He'll cleanse us, For He's faithful and just.

God say's in His Word, Lustful thoughts are a sin -
It's a spiritual battle, By yourself you can't win.

These lustful temptations, Flowing into our heads -
We must take them captive, As Christ Jesus say's.

Second Corinthians, Chapter 10 and verse 5 -
Casting down arguments, To help us survive.

Some only come out, By fasting and prayer -
Showing God true intentions, Your faith must be there.

Ephesians 6 gives us, God's armour in parts -
We can stand firm against, Satans fiery darts.

God gave us provision,
To ward off all sin -
Luke 10:19 gives us,
The POWER to WIN...

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