The Godly Gazette

I Once was an Addict

Jesus Christ I once was an addict,
I loved to get high -
Whatever came to me,
I'd give it a try.

It started with cig-rettes,
Next came the booze -
And then marijuana,
I decided to choose.

They say it won't lead you,
To do harder drugs -
But I've been there and seen,
For many it does.

I was soon smokin hash,
Droppin acid and scleen -
T.H.C., shrooms and speed,
With a ton of visine.

Then along came the drug, That became my true love -
Cocaine, rock and powder, I could not get enough.

I once was an addict, I learned the hard way -
Addictive behavior, Will lead you astray.

Lost it all more than once, More than twice, even thrice -
Countless times in the gutter, Before I realized.

I was sick of my life, What the drugs had done -
I tried giving them up, But the drugs always won.

This battle went on, Up and down I would go -
I felt worthless and empty, Filled with sorrow and woe.

Then one night in despair, I looked up to the sky -
and said - "God I need help", Then I started to cry.

I once was an addict,
Praise God - I'm not now -
For He showed me the way,
When I didn't know how...

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Addiction Recovery and Support Program

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