Before David could face Goliath, he needed to see himself as a giant-killer. Likewise, before you are ready to prevail over your problems, you must see yourself the way God sees you. After all, He is the One who has the most accurate picture of who you were created to be. As you develop your relationship with God by spending time in His Word, worship, and in prayer, you will begin to see yourself as He does. He looks at you and says that you are His child, that you have His authority, and that, in Christ, you are more than a conqueror. You are not held back by your past reputation, by memories of past experiences, or by what others have said about you. While people sometimes have a tendency to disqualify imperfection, God does not. He chooses to use imperfect people who have faith in a perfect God. If that is you, you qualify to prevail over your problems, and you are ready to be a giant-killer!