Everyone faces problems in life. If you do not deal with them right away, even small problems can grow into giants with the potential to rule over you. They may not look as menacing as physical giants, but they are often just as intimidating. The good news is that God is bigger than every problem you will ever face. Whether trouble shows up in the form of sickness, depression, divorce, fear, or a financial crisis, you do not have to be its slave. When you focus on how big your God is, your problems will look small in comparison, and you will be on your way to prevailing over them. Focus on God’s Size When Moses sent twelve men to spy out the land God had promised them, they came back with a mixed report. They described it as an extremely fruitful land, but said that it was inhabited by giants. Nevertheless, Joshua and Caleb said, “We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it" (Numbers 13:30). The other men returned saying, “We can’t attack those people; they are stronger than we are…We saw the giants and we seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them” (Numbers 13:31,33). While Joshua and Caleb viewed the giants as problems they could overcome with God’s help, the others saw them as insurmountable obstacles. Their faith vanished because they allowed fear to rule in their hearts. Instead of acting on what God had promised them, the ten doubting spies acted on what they saw. The giants were not the problem. The problem was that they forgot about how big their God was. As a result, their fear and unbelief quickly spread throughout the rest of the Israelites. In reality, the giants that had seemed so intimidating were themselves filled with fear after hearing about the children of Israel and their God (Joshua 2:11). They would have been no match for the Israelites had they believed God. However, because the Israelites doubted, they spent the next forty years wandering in the wilderness when they could have been enjoying the Promised Land. Problems, like giants, will hold you captive as long as you let them. The more you think and talk about them, the bigger they will become in your mind. You might think and say, “My problem is sickness...my problem is my marriage...my problem is fear,” but the real problem is your perspective. The more we focus on God’s size, the easier it will be for us to prevail over problems.